Try it with Love Beets
Power Salad
PREP TIME: 10 min // COOK TIME: none
What to do
- Mix the dressing ingredients together.
- Boil the eggs (we like the yolks to be a little soft and runny but you should cook them to your taste).
- Place the leaves on a plate. Mix the beets, peppers and sprouted beans and place on the leaves. Cut the eggs into halves and place on the beets mix with the walnuts.
- Top with the dressing and serve immediately.
- Toast rye bread and add other topping of choice.
*This salad has been designed by expert nutritionist Yvonne Bishop Weston and is carefully balanced to be low GL, so that you release the energy in your food slowly and steadily.
What you will need
For the dressing:
50g natural organic yogurt or soya yogurt
4g fresh dill, finely chopped
10g horseradish
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
For salad:
2 Omega-3 eggs hard boiled
80g cooked beets, chopped
60g yellow pepper, chopped
40g sprouted beeans and lentils
2 handfuls of mixed leaves, washed and drained
6 walnuts halves
Rock salt to taste
Serve with:
1 slice of rye bread, toasted, topped with half of small avocado, black pepper, and lemon juice or with hummus or tahini